
Friday, November 7, 2014

BES Bulldogs Program Bee-Bots!

The fourth grade Bulldogs have been programming Bee-Bots to follow some difficult paths. There were five levels of difficulty, and each level became more challenging than the level before. Each time the students wrote the correct code and the Bee-Bot completed a course, they could move on to the next level. Once the students finished all five levels, they could make up their own course for their Bee-Bot.

The hardest part about programming Bee-Bots was deciding which direction the Bee-Bot should turn, because sometimes the Bee-Bot was not facing the same direction that the programmer was facing.

The best part about programming Bee-Bots was seeing if they actually went the way you thought they would go.

Everyone had fun programming the Bee-Bots and we hope that the fourth grade students will get another chance to program the Bee-Bots!

Written By Two Bee-Bot Fans!
The Two Bee-Bot Fans (and Guest Bloggers)


  1. Thank you for being my guest bloggers this week. You did a great job!

  2. Wow Kylie and Sarah That was an awsome story and yes it was really herd when you go up a level but the best thing about it was when you did all 5 levels you got to do you own!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
